6 Weeks Pregnant Signs Of a Girl: What Might They Be?

When you’re 6 weeks pregnant, the excitement about your baby’s gender often starts to build. While scientific methods like ultrasounds and genetic tests are required to confirm the baby’s gender, many people wonder if there are 6 weeks pregnant signs of a girl. Although these methods lack scientific proof, they’re widely shared and discussed based on anecdotal evidence. Let’s explore some of these early indicators that are thought to hint at a baby girl.
Pregnancy affects everyone differently, and early girl pregnancy symptoms are typically based on myths rather than medical research. Still, many women enjoy looking for signs that they might be carrying a girl. Here are a few popular indicators that some believe might point to a girl.
Severe Morning Sickness
One of the most common beliefs about signs of girl pregnancy is experiencing severe morning sickness. A 2017 study suggests that a girl’s hormones might be more likely to cause nausea. While research has shown that women carrying girls may have slightly higher levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is associated with morning sickness, this is far from a definitive indication [1].
Skin and Hair Changes
Changes in skin and hair are often pointed to as signs of a girl pregnancy. The popular belief is that a girl “steals her mother’s beauty,” leading to more acne and duller skin. Women might also notice their hair feeling thinner and less shiny. However, hormone levels can fluctuate regardless of the baby’s gender, making this an unreliable sign.
Cravings for Sweet Foods
Food cravings are a familiar pregnancy experience, and cravings for sweet foods are sometimes linked to carrying a girl. According to folklore, women craving sugary treats like chocolate, fruits, and desserts are more likely to be expecting a girl. While fun to consider, cravings are often influenced by hormonal shifts, which don’t necessarily correlate with the baby’s sex.
Moodiness and Emotional Sensitivity
Another commonly discussed sign is an increase in mood swings and sensitivity. Some believe that expecting a girl may heighten a mother’s emotional responses, perhaps due to higher estrogen levels. At 6 weeks pregnant, hormonal changes are intense, affecting mood in ways unrelated to gender. However, it’s an enjoyable tradition to speculate that this emotional shift could mean a girl is on the way. A 2012 study also found that there’s a relation between cortisol, the stress hormone, and the sex of the child [2].
Higher Heart Rate
There’s a popular notion that the fetal heart rate can indicate gender. A heart rate above 140 beats per minute is thought by some to be one of the 6 weeks pregnant signs of a girl. However, studies have shown that fetal heart rate does not reliably differ between boys and girls in early pregnancy. It’s worth noting that heart rate can vary based on the baby’s movement and other factors unrelated to gender.
Carrying High
In later pregnancy, the position of the baby bump is sometimes said to reveal gender. While it doesn’t apply at six weeks, many women like to observe this as pregnancy progresses. The belief is that carrying high indicates a girl, while carrying low suggests a boy. This theory, however, is more related to the mother’s body type and muscle tone than the baby’s sex.
Fatigue and Low Energy
Feeling more tired than usual is common in early pregnancy, but some suggest that extreme fatigue is a sign of carrying a girl. While there is no scientific basis for this theory, low energy can be a sign of the hormonal shifts that accompany pregnancy. Many mothers report feeling exhausted regardless of gender, especially during the first trimester. There is research available that shows cord blood oestriol, and post-partum FSH concentrations are higher in case you have a girl child [3].
If you’re curious about planning for a baby girl, you might want to explore our blog on how to conceive a baby girl naturally calculator, a helpful article designed to guide you through natural conception methods.
The Bottom Line
When it comes to 6 weeks pregnant signs of a girl, it’s important to remember that only scientific methods like ultrasound or genetic testing can determine your baby’s gender accurately. The early signs of girl pregnancy are fun to consider, but they remain speculative. Every pregnancy is unique, and while these symptoms can make for enjoyable guessing games, they don’t provide a conclusive answer.
Until you have a more reliable method to learn your baby’s gender, embrace the journey and enjoy the anticipation. Whether you’re experiencing classic girl pregnancy symptoms or not, each stage of pregnancy offers new experiences to cherish. To ensure you’re getting the essential nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy, consider incorporating Conceive Plus Prenatal with DHA into your daily routine, a trusted supplement designed to support both maternal and fetal well-being.
- Amanda M. Mitchell, Marilly Palettas, Lisa M. Christian. Fetal sex is associated with maternal stimulated cytokine production, but not serum cytokine levels, in human pregnancy. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity [Volume 60]. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889159116301945?via%3Dihub
- Chason RJ, McLain AC, Sundaram R, Chen Z, Segars JH, Pyper C, Louis GM. Preconception stress and the secondary sex ratio: a prospective cohort study. Fertil Steril. Available at: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4110952/
- Kuijper EA, Ket JC, Caanen MR, Lambalk CB. Reproductive hormone concentrations in pregnancy and neonates: a systematic review. Reprod Biomed Online. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23669015/